Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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  Middle School | Senior School | Co-curricular
Activities | Debating | Music | Drama | Sport |
Subject Preferences Online

All students enrolled at Carey in 2025 complete their co-curricular selection and their academic subject preferences online via the Web Preferences website:

Information on how to make co-curricular and subject choices for 2025 and how to complete the online process is emailed to parents, with an individual Web Preferences username and password.

For assistance with online subject preferences please contact the Middle or Senior School Curriculum Office.



Deputy Principal - Wellbeing
Peter Robson
P: +61 3 9816 1283

Senior School Curriculum Office
Yelka Moloney
P: +61 3 9816 1383

Middle School Curriculum Office
Sharon McCormack
P: +61 3 9816 1281


A myriad of opportunities at various entry levels enables all students to find their niche within the co-curricular offering. Students can become involved and challenge themselves in sporting competitions, drama productions, music theatre, concert bands, small ensembles, dance, bike-riding, yoga, and fitness groups. Age appropriate activities are designed to stimulate interest and provide opportunities for skill development with coaching, advice and support from specialist staff and experienced practitioners.

Students in Years 5 - 12 can participate in inter-school sports competition under the auspices of the Associated Public Schools and the Associated Grammar Schools.


Important Dates

Friday 2 August 2025
Co-curricular selections for Years 7 - 12 are due