Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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  Middle School | Senior School | Co-curricular
Activities | Debating | Music | Drama | Sport |



Sport and activities at Carey are seen as an integral part of our students' education.  A wide range of competitive and non-competitive activities are offered reinforcing the key competencies that signify personal development; acting creatively, being persistent and managing uncertainty are all elements that contribute to an individual’s sense of belonging to a community.  Our sports and activities program provide pathways for the recreational participant and the elite performer, with both state-of-the-art facilities and coaches specifically trained in their craft.  

Carey students participate in the APS (boys) and the APS/AGSV (girls) competitions on Saturday mornings and train a minimum of one after school a week as preparation.  Following student selections,  teams are entered into official competitions as determined by numbers. Circumstances may arise that necessitate a change in program, although such movement is not encouraged given the commitment to competitions.

Years 7 and 8

Students must select one option from each of the below seasons:

  • Summer Season Sport/Activity (Term 1)
  • Winter Season Sport/Activity (Term 2 and the first three weeks of Term 3)

Students train once per week* (generally on a Wednesday after school) and have competition matches (for APS sports) or sessions (non-APS activities) are normally on a Saturday morning with occasional Friday afterschool fixtures for some sports.

* Students selected in Carey Firsts teams (not year level “A” teams) will train twice per week on Tuesday and Thursday after school.

Students also have the opportunity to represent Carey in Athletics or Water Polo in the Spring season (latter part of Term 3 and first three weeks of Term 4). This is an optional program.


Year 9

Students must select at least two of the following programs:

  • Summer Season Sport/Activity (Term 1)
  • Winter Season Sport/Activity (Term 2 and the first three weeks of Term 3)

Middle School Musical (In exceptional cases, students in year 9 who successfully audition for the Middle School Musical can include this as one of their 2 compulsory selections.   Note: most in the Musical will continue participating in a winter sport/activity). 

Summer and Winter Seasons

  • See the list of Summer and Winter Sport/Activities options further below.
  • Students train once per week* (generally on a Tuesday after school) and have competition matches (for APS sports) or sessions (non-APS activities) are normally on a Saturday morning with occasional Friday afterschool fixtures for some sports.

*Students selected in Carey Firsts teams (not year level “A” teams) will train twice per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool.

Students also have the opportunity to represent Carey in Athletics or Water Polo in the Spring season (latter part of Term 3). This does not contribute to one of the two programs year 9 students must select.


Year 10

Students must select at least two of the following programs:

  • Summer Season Sport/Activity
  • Winter Season Sport/Activity
  • Senior School Musical (actors only)

Summer and Winter Seasons

  • See the list of Summer and Winter Sport/Activities options further below.
  • Students train once per week* (generally on a Tuesday after school) and have competition matches (for APS sports) or sessions (non-APS activities) are normally on a Saturday morning with occasional Friday afterschool fixtures for some sports.

*Students selected in Carey Firsts teams (not year level “A” teams) will train twice per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool.

Students also have the opportunity to represent Carey in Athletics or Water Polo in the Spring season (latter part of Term 3, early term 4).

Years 11 and 12

Carey remains committed to a sport and activities program for all students, while maintaining an emphasis on sustaining a sensible balance with the academic program. Senior students are encouraged to recognize the critical nature of maintaining this balance during their VCE and IB studies, and therefore have more program choice.

Students must select at least two of the following programs:

  • Summer Season Sport/Activity*
  • Winter Season Sport/Activity
  • Spring Season Athletics or Water Polo
  • Senior School Musical#
  • Senior School Play
  • Debating
  • Music Group (year-long regular rehearsal and concert performance)
  • ‘Explore’ (10 lunchtime covering at least 2 programs of 5 sessions each)%
  • Member/regular attendee of a Carey group that meets regularly: eg: Pride, Sustainability, Gender Equity

* Rowing (Summer Sport) can count as two programs

# Musical (actors) can count as two programs

% Explore is available to Year 12 only


Summer and Winter Seasons

  • See the list of Summer and Winter Sport/Activities options further below.
  • Students train once per week* (generally on a Thursday after school) and have competition matches (for APS sports) or sessions (non-APS activities) are normally on a Saturday morning with occasional Friday afterschool fixtures for some sports.

*Students selected in Carey Firsts teams will train twice per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays afterschool.




In recent years the students in middle school have been able to access a lunchtime activities program called ‘Crash’.  A similar program, called ‘Explore’, will be offered to Year 12 students. It can be selected as one of the two compulsory electives. Students will be expected to participate in a minimum of 10 lunchtime sessions. Students must attend at least 5 sessions in a given program for it to contribute to the requisite 10 sessions.  The program offering will commence mid-term one and will continue through to the end of term 3. A complete program of days and specific programs will be available in December.  Students will be able to select a particular day of the week and their specific program. Programs will include, healthy eating, financial literacy, coding, car maintenance, meditation, strength/conditioning and social singing.


Students can participate in the Schools’ Debating competition run by the Debating Association of Victoria (DAV). Students in Years 7-10 have an opportunity to participate in Debating as an additional program, those in Years 11/12 can include Debating as one of their 2 compulsory electives. The interschool competition commences in term 2 and continues into term 3, with teams competing in 6 debates held of an evening during term time. The season can extend if teams reach finals.

Music Group  

A music group with a year- long rehearsal schedule and performances. This would include bands, ensembles, orchestras and choral groups. Only one musical group can count as one of the 2 compulsory electives for Year 11/12 students.

Senior School Play

Year 11/12 Students in the cast of the Term 3 School Play can count this as one of their compulsory electives.

Note: Other activities such as snowsports are organised as an additional elective during the Winter season.