Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Home Tasks

Program Aims

  • To provide positive communication between the School and home.
  • To promote an understanding of the School program.
  • To foster independent, regular study habits.


Prep – Year 2

Carey believes that from Prep to Year 2, daily reading — to the student, by the student and with the student — adequately fulfils the above aims. However, there may be times where there are one-off tasks to complete or a series of tasks related to an intervention program or class topic.

Years 3 – 6

In Years 3 to 6, home tasks are set to help students develop regular study habits and cater for the needs of all students. The gradual change of emphasis to more formal home task activities is usually made through completion of Mathematics and English activities and occasionally Integrated Studies tasks.

Home tasks generally are to be completed from Monday to Thursday and are due on Fridays. Students are not expected to do home tasks over the weekend (apart from optional reading).

Home tasks are set according to the following allocated times.

  • Years 3 and 4: 20 minutes.
  • Year 5: 30 minutes.
  • Year 6: 40 minutes.

In addition, reading and literature are important aspects of our program and students are expected to spend time on private reading each night, including their Book Chat book.

  • Years 3 and 4: 20 minutes.
  • Year 5: 30 minutes.
  • Year 6: 30 minutes.