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Prep Physical Education

Physical Education

Year Level Description

In Prep the following units are covered:

  • Ball Skills.
  • Game Skills.
  • Gym Skills.
  • Movement Exploration and Locomotion.
  • Water Safety.

Perceptual Motor Program (PMP)

Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) aims to develop the student’s perception and understanding of their world through movement. Language is key to providing the perceptual knowledge about the motor experience. PMP is infused throughout the curriculum. It introduces children to the pre-requisite skills needed for formal learning in areas such as reading, writing, word study, mathematics, problem-solving, listening, memory and following visual or verbal instructions.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • demonstrate movement patterns that resemble running, hopping, skipping, crawling, sliding, rolling, changing direction, stopping and starting;
  • move to stimuli such as rhythm, beat, music and words;
  • release and obtain a ball with foot or hand in the following ways: throw, kick, roll, chase, stop and collect;
  • spring and land safely;
  • make different shapes with the body while in contact with the ground, using large bases of support;
  • use simple vocabulary to describe their movement, physical response to activities and their feelings about physical education;
  • follow rules and procedures and share equipment and space safely.