Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Year 4

Understanding How Digital Technology is Changing the Way We Communicate

Developing independent learners in the 21st Century requires the ability to navigate the digital world confidently. Our 1:1 iPad program, starting at Prep, supports this through integrating technology seamlessly throughout the learning program. In Year 4, the overarching theme is understanding how digital technology is changing the way we communicate. Students learn how the media manipulates what we see, hear and think, they then create their own persuasive films and texts. Through explicit teaching, we support all of our students to develop safe, responsible and ethical behaviour online.

Home Tasks

In Years 3 to 6, home tasks are set to help students develop regular study habits and cater for the needs of all students.

For further information please see the page on Home Tasks.

Year 4 Art

Year 4 CARE

Year 4 English

Year 4 Integrated Studies

Year 4 Library

Year 4 LOTE

Year 4 Mathematics

Year 4 Music

Year 4 Outdoor Education

Year 4 Physical Education