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Year 1 English


Year Level Description

Students produce written texts that can be understood by others and include related ideas and information about a variety of topics. They use some punctuation and a broader vocabulary. They become aware that writing can be planned, composed and revised to suit their purposes. Students select from a range of resources and strategies to assist them to meet those purposes. They use a range of strategies to spell unknown words, such as using their knowledge of sound and letter relationships and their knowledge of the structure and meaning of words.

Students interpret and discuss the meanings of short texts that have a small range of unfamiliar vocabulary and low-level support from illustrations. They understand that texts may represent real and imaginary experiences in different ways. They explore the structure of some predictable text types and begin to select texts appropriate to their purpose. Students read aloud, with developing fluency and intonation, short texts with some unfamiliar vocabulary, simple and compound sentences and supportive images. When reading, they use knowledge of sounds and letters, high frequency words, and sentence boundary punctuation to make meaning. They recall key ideas and recognise literal and implied meaning in texts.

Students listen to others when taking part in conversations, using appropriate language features. They develop further awareness of how people adjust their speaking and listening to suit their purposes and audiences. Students learn about language use in formal and informal situations. They begin to comment constructively upon the contribution of others and adopt new ways to improve their own communication.

Achievement Standard


  • Reads year level texts independently.
  • Reads the level appropriate high frequency words.
  • Uses knowledge of sounds and letters when attempting to read unfamiliar words.
  • Uses context and grammatical cues when attempting to read unfamiliar words.
  • Uses punctuation to contribute to meaning and expression when reading aloud.
  • Sequentially retells the events in a text and includes the main idea.
  • Answers questions that relate to information stated explicitly.
  • Makes inferences based on information in the text and their own prior knowledge.
  • Finds key information in a text.

Speaking and Listening

  • Speaks clearly using simple phrases, sentences and appropriate vocabulary.
  • Contributes relevant ideas during discussions.
  • Uses active listening behaviours.


  • Writes a short text with connected ideas.
  • Uses some descriptive or specific vocabulary.
  • Writes sentences for imaginative or informative purposes that are usually grammatically correct.
  • Correctly uses full stops and capital letters.
  • Shows knowledge of some letter patterns to make plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words.
  • Accurately spells level appropriate high frequency words in their own writing.
  • Rereads own work to check for meaning and some punctuation and spelling errors.
  • Forms most unjoined lower case and upper case letters using correct starting points and letter formation.