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Year 2 Art


Year Level Description

Students make informed choices about using materials effectively, visual art elements and principles, skills, techniques and processes when making and presenting visual artwork. Every student is encouraged to explore each of the art forms: drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, mixed media, design, construction, ceramics and computer technology.

Students also develop their understanding of the art elements of line, shape, colour, form and texture within each art form. This is supported by the use and exploration of a range of design principles such as balance, repetition, pattern, movement, space, variety, proportion, harmony, unity and contrast. Students are encouraged to understand and start to identify some visual artwork from the past and present.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year, students will be expected to:

  • understand that lines and shapes can be repeated to create movement;
  • understand what texture is;
  • use lines to create shapes, patterns and a variety of textures;
  • use different types of line to create emotional/expressive qualities;
  • use texture in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art for surface decoration.Identify, create and use secondary, tertiary and mono-chromatic colours;
  • understand how colour can be used to express mood, emotion and atmosphere;
  • use one-point perspective to create depth.Understand and use more complex clay joining and hollowing techniques;
  • distinguish and compare clay hand-building tools and techniques;
  • understand that a variety of applications can be used on an iPad to create artwork.