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Year 2 English


Year Level Description

Students create texts drawing on their own experiences, their imagination and information they have learned, and include related ideas and information about familiar topics. They use some punctuation and a broader vocabulary. Students are taught to use an increasing range of text types. They become aware that writing can be planned, composed and revised to suit their purposes. They select from a range of resources and strategies to assist them to meet those purposes. They use their knowledge of sound and letter relationships, visual letter patterns and the meaning of a word within a sentence to help them spell unfamiliar words. They accurately spell familiar words and use punctuation accurately. They legibly write unjoined upper and lower case letters.

They monitor meaning and self-correct using context, prior knowledge, punctuation, language and phonic knowledge. They identify literal and implied meaning, main ideas and supporting detail. Students make connections between texts by comparing content.

Students develop a further awareness of how people adjust their speaking and listening to suit their purposes and audiences. Students learn about language use in formal and informal situations. They interact in pairs, groups and class discussions, taking turns when responding. They make short presentations of a few connected sentences on familiar and learned topics.

Achievement Standard


  • Reads year level texts independently.
  • Reads at least 400 high frequency words.
  • Self‑monitors meaning and self‑corrects using context and prior knowledge.
  • Self‑monitors meaning and self‑corrects using punctuation and language.
  • Self‑monitors meaning and self‑corrects using phonic knowledge.
  • Sequentially retells the events in a text and includes the main ideas.
  • Answers questions that relate to literal information stated in a text.
  • Makes inferences based on information in a text and/or prior knowledge.

Speaking and Listening

  • Contributes to whole class and small group discussions, sharing relevant ideas.
  • Uses appropriate volume for the purpose of setting and audience.
  • Speaks clearly and confidently within whole class and small group settings.
  • Uses active listening behaviours.


  • Writes cohesive, sequenced narratives that include some development of related ideas.
  • Uses some of the features of procedures and persuasive texts.
  • Uses question and exclamation marks correctly.
  • Begins to use commas to separate lists and attempts to use the apostrophe of possession.
  • Accurately spells 200 high frequency words within their own writing.
  • Shows evidence of using plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words.
  • Shows evidence of using graphemes, such as graphs, digraphs and trigraphs to spell words.
  • Rereads own work to check for meaning and makes some attempt to edit spelling and punctuation.
  • Adds or deletes words to improve meaning e.g. adding adjectives or nouns.
  • Correctly forms and positions upper and lower case letters showing consistent size, slope and spacing.