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Year 3 Art


Year Level Description

Students make and present visual artworks using a range and combination of visual art elements, skills, techniques and processes. They explore and competently use their skills in utilising and manipulating art materials, tools, techniques and processes for specific outcomes. They are encouraged to further explore each of the art forms: drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, mixed media, design, construction, ceramics and computer technology. They continue to develop their understanding of the art elements of line, shape, colour, form, tone and texture within each art form. This is supported through the continued use and exploration of a range of design principles such as balance, repetition, pattern, movement, space, proportion, contrast and perspective. Using arts language, students are encouraged to identify and describe the features of visual artwork made and presented from past and present cultures.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year, students will be expected to:

  • use line in a variety of ways to create pattern according to a cultural tradition;
  • understand that shapes can be repeated to create complex patterns;
  • use line to create the illusion of three-dimensional form;
  • use control lines for special effects shading;
  • understand that tone creates the illusion of three-dimensional form;
  • distinguish lights and darks when creating skin tones on a portrait.Identify, create and use a range of colour values.Identify, and use complementary colours;
  • understand the basic use of needle and thread;
  • understand and use basic stitches; running and blanket;
  • understand and use more complex joining techniques in coil and slab building, using clay;
  • understand that a variety of glazes and detailing methods can be used to decorate clay;
  • understand that a photo collage can be created on an iPad;
  • understand that a variety of applications can be used on an iPad to create artwork;
  • develop interpersonal skills through teamwork and collaborative projects;
  • show an interest and understanding of art and craft from different historical and cultural contexts;
  • discuss artworks using appropriate visual art terminology.