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Year 3 LOTE


Year Level Description

AIM Stage 2a: Exposure, Learning

This stage is completed over three years, begun in Year 2 and concluded in Year 4.

At this stage, students work at a developing fluency level. Requiring occasional teacher assistance, they explore in-depth the stories of Where is My Dog, Cat and the Moon and The Three Little Pigs. Students recycle and expand their vocabulary and knowledge, and manipulate more high frequency vocabulary and structures for their own, increasingly complex oral communicative purposes. They read, copy and manipulate additional familiar Pinyin text and basic characters related to the story. Students deepen their intercultural knowledge and language awareness through more traditional children’s stories and songs, in addition to popular contemporary animations.

Achievement Standard

In Year 3 students demonstrate the following skills.

Communication Skills Development

  • Recognises recycled and newly introduced words and their gestures from all plays to date.
  • Comprehends and produces the complete spontaneous thoughts and words which a teacher gestures.
  • Communicates in an increasingly spontaneous manner, with less teacher gestural support.

Literacy Skills Development

  • Memorises, rehearses, dramatises the play with the class and a partner.
  • Responds to simple and some complex questions with gestural support and modelling from the teacher.
  • Completes increasingly complex language manipulation activities as the teacher models them with the class.
  • Produces more spontaneous and unscripted sentences orally.
  • Recognises and writes a few sentences in Pinyin using a word list.
  • Recognises, copies and matches familiar high frequency characters and short phrases.

Intercultural Knowledge and Language Awareness

  • Inductively identifies some similarities and differences in Australian and Chinese cultural values by viewing traditional and contemporary stories and animations.