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Year 3 Library

Library Year 3

Year Level Description

The program aims to ensure that students can confidently use specific areas within the library. They further develop their ability to use the online catalogue Spydus and identify different materials to meet specific needs. Students are encouraged in independent use of the library facilities.

Literary studies focus on completing the transition from early-fiction to more challenging novels. Book Chat is introduced at Year 3 to broaden the student’s reading repertoire and challenge their ability to read, comprehend and discuss books within groups. Students discuss the structure and features of books such as cover design, blurb, title, classification and illustrations. Students are exposed to a wide selection of authors, titles and genres to assist them in maintaining an ongoing enthusiasm and passion for reading.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • identify the purpose of specific resources contained within each area of the library;
  • identify the structure and some literary elements used within selected novels of the non-fiction section of the library;
  • recognise a variety of genres found in fiction reading;
  • understand the structure;
  • use their iPads for catalogue searches.