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Year 4 Art


Year Level Description

Students experience the Visual Arts by drawing from a range of cultures, times and locations. They respond to artworks independently and collaboratively with their peers and teachers. At this level they learn that art is used for different purposes; to communicate ideas, observations and feelings. They consider why and how audiences respond to the social and cultural contexts of artworks.

The art program offers students the opportunity to explore a broad variety of art materials and forms such as sculpture, textiles, painting, drawing, print-making, and digital technologies. Students engage in the design process and apply their knowledge of the art elements to communicate ideas and develop an individual approach to subject matter. They consider the effect of line, shape, tone, space, colour and texture while beginning to explore their relationship with the principles of contrast, repetition, symmetry, balance, movement and proportion.

An emphasis is placed on developing art terminology and techniques while considering how and why artists realise ideas through differing visual representations, practices, processes and viewpoints.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year, students will be expected to:

  • understand and use lines, shapes and colour to create visual movement;
  • understand and identify positive shapes and negative shapes;
  • understand and use non-western use of space;
  • identify, create and use complementary and mono-chromatic colours;
  • understand that tone creates the illusion of three-dimensional form in drawing;
  • identify geometric, organic or free form shapes;
  • understand what a tessellation pattern is and how to create one;
  • understand and use more complex joining techniques in coil and slab building using clay;
  • manipulate wire to create a sculpture;
  • understand that a variety of iPad applications can be used in combination to create artwork;
  • show an interest and understanding of art and craft form different historical and cultural contexts;
  • discuss artworks using appropriate visual art terminology.