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Year 6 Art


Year Level Description

Students further develop their analysis and interpretive skills by responding to a variety of artworks and artists from a broad range of cultures, times and locations. They extend their understanding of how and why artists realise their ideas through differing visual representations, practices, processes and viewpoints. They further develop and explore a diverse range of ideas and concepts in order to broaden their awareness of the role of art through history.

The visual art program offers students the opportunity to test and innovate with technologies, techniques and processes of the visual arts. They explore the boundaries of visual representation by engaging with a variety of art materials across sculptural, painting, drawing, textile, printmaking and digital domains, combining two or more visual arts forms.

Students further consolidate their understanding and application of the art elements and design principles in their artwork and art making. They consider the effects of line, shape, tone, space, texture, colour and form as they develop conceptual and representational skills, in relation to and in conjunction with contrast, repetition, symmetry, balance, movement and proportion.

An emphasis is placed on further developing students’ individual style in relation to styles and concepts in art from a variety of cultures and times. They gain new understandings and note the expressive effects and qualities of art presentation.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year, students will be expected to:

  • identify, create and use tertiary colours, complementary colours and split-complementary colours;
  • understand how colour can be used to express mood, emotion and/or atmosphere;
  • understand how to use the art elements and design principles to create a logo;
  • use texture in two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork for surface decoration;
  • use figure-ground relationships in artwork;
  • understand and use more complex clay joining techniques; large coil pots and plates, slab building and joining techniques;
  • understand that a variety of if iPad applications can be used in combination to create artwork.
  • critique artworks using appropriate visual art terminology;
  • develop interpersonal skills through teamwork and collaboration when creating an artwork;
  • explain how visual art convections can communicate meaning by comparing artworks from different social, cultural, and historical contexts.