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Year 6 LOTE


Year Level Description

AIM Stage 3a: Learning

This stage is completed over two years, begun in Year 5 and concluded in Year 6.

At this stage, students begin to work towards a communicative proficiency level. With minimal teacher support, they explore in-depth the dramatised stories. They continue to expand their repertoire to spontaneously express themselves and manipulate the pinyin texts with relative ease, fluency and confidence. Students use a wider range of multimedia texts and deepen their intercultural knowledge and language awareness.

Achievement Standard

By the end of Year 6, students have completed two years of study of AIM Stage 3a: Learning and are able to demonstrate the following skills.

Communication Skills Development

  • Expresses simple complete thoughts in guided, teacher-led self-expression.
  • Displays knowledge of high frequency associations.
  • Interacts spontaneously with peers and their teacher at a basic level.
  • Expresses partial and short complete thoughts, with the help of gestures.

Literacy Skills Development

  • Understands the vocabulary within the play and all plays to date.
  • Memorises, rehearses and dramatises the play with the class, in pairs and in small groups.
  • Completes more open-ended oral and written language manipulation activities based on the story.
  • Demonstrates an inductive awareness of some basic, high frequency grammatical concepts, such as plural nouns, past tense, question words and the use of some interrogatives.
  • Writes and types short Pinyin texts with the aid of a word list, for factual and creative purposes.
  • Recognises and copies more high frequency characters, with an awareness of correct stroke order and proportion.

Intercultural Knowledge and Language Awareness

  • Uses and evaluates effective language learning strategies e.g. grouping of characters.
  • Demonstrates knowledge of aspects of Chinese culture through mini projects. 
  • Inductively identifies aspects of China through the viewing of popular contemporary TV programs, animations and songs.