Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Year Level Description

With close teacher support, students acquire key classroom language and learning strategies. They involve stories, songs, raps, music and dramatic elements. Students begin to manipulate high frequency vocabulary and structures for their own oral communicative purposes, and read and copy very familiar and highly contextualised Pinyin text. Students learn a minimal number of pictographic characters related to daily life and explore cultural practices such as Chinese New Year and birthday celebrations.

Achievement Standard

Communication Skills Development

  • Recognises introduced words and their gestures.
  • Comprehends and vocalises the teacher’s gestured and spontaneous complete thoughts.
  • Communicates spontaneously at a very basic level with gestural support.

Literacy Skills Development

  • Memorises, rehearses and dramatises a play with the class.
  • Responds to simple questions with gestural support and modelling from teacher and peers.
  • Completes simple language manipulation activities as the teacher models them with the class.
  • Reads and comprehends some very familiar and highly contextualised text in the Pinyin script.
  • Recognises, copies and matches some high frequency pictographic characters.

Intercultural Knowledge and Language Awareness

  • Displays an awareness of some Australian and Chinese cultural similarities and differences.
  • Participates in some Chinese cultural celebrations.
  • Sings culturally appropriate songs e.g. greeting and birthday songs.