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Prep Integrated Studies

Integrated Studies

Year Level Description

Integrated curriculum and inquiry develop the Prep student's skills across several subject areas – Geography, Health Education, History and Science.

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • use a range of selected resources to gather information;
  • locate and report information related to the topic being investigated;
  • organise and present information in a variety of formats.

Information about the learning objectives in relation to specific subject areas can be found below.


Students describe the features of familiar places and recognise why some places are special to people. They recognise that places can be represented on maps and globes and why places are important to people.

Students observe the familiar features of places and represent these features and their location on maps. They share observations in a range of texts and use everyday language to describe direction and location. Students reflect on their learning to suggest ways they can care for a familiar place.

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • make observations about familiar places and pose questions about them;
  • discuss the places people live in and belong to, and the reasons why some places are special to people;
  • represent the location of features of a familiar place on maps;
  • present information using everyday language to describe location and direction;
  • consider the places that indigenous people belong to in the local area and why they are important to them.

Health Education

Students develop an understanding and recognition of the physical, social and emotional aspects to health and wellbeing. School and family contexts provide concrete examples that students can relate to and draw upon to explore these aspects.

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • identify safe and unsafe behaviours and environments;
  • show an awareness of safe people and places to turn to for help;
  • describe how they can help others;
  • describe relationships with different people in their daily lives;
  • describe ways of keeping healthy and safe;
  • list some healthy food options.


Students study personal and family histories. They learn about their own history and that of their family; this may include stories from different cultures and other parts of the world.

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • sequence familiar events;
  • understand how family life has changed over time;
  • pose questions about the past;
  • develop a simple family tree.


Students participate in practical learning experiences during which they describe their scientific observations of the physical and natural world using appropriate vocabulary. They learn that seeking answers to questions and making observations are a core part of science, as is using their senses to gather different types of information.

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • respond to and pose questions and make predictions;
  • participate in guided investigations, including making observations using the senses to explore and answer questions;
  • recognise the needs of living things in a range of different environments;
  • compare some of the needs of plants and animals;
  • use appropriate language to describe their observations of the physical and natural world;
  • record simple observations.