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Prep Mathematics


Year Level Descriptions

Students play with objects and draw pictures to develop links between their immediate environment, everyday language, and mathematical activity. They readily count numbers in sequence and create and continue simple patterns. Students solve real life problems using a variety of different strategies and explain their reasoning.

Students name, sort and describe familiar everyday shapes and objects, and describe position and movement in their immediate environment. Students make reasonable estimates and use informal units when measuring length.

Students investigate situations requiring data collection, present the data in simple displays and recognise unpredictability and uncertainty in some events.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year the students are expected to:

Number and Algebra

  • connect number names, numerals and quantities, initially to 10 and then beyond;
  • subitise small collections of objects;
  • compare, order and make correspondences between collections, initially to 20, and explain their reasoning;
  • represent practical situations to model addition and subtraction;
  • represent practical situations to model sharing;
  • represent simple, everyday financial situations involving money;
  • sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications;
  • continue and create patterns with objects and drawings;
  • follow a short sequence of instructions.

Measurement and Geometry

  • use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, heavier or holds more, and explain their reasoning;
  • compare and order the duration of events using everyday language;
  • connect days of the week to familiar events and actions;
  • sort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment;
  • describe position and movement.

Statistics and Probability

  • sort familiar categorical data and answer yes/no to questions;
  • organise simple data displays using objects and drawings;
  • interpret simple data displays.