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Prep Music


Year Level Description

Prep students are introduced to the rich world of music through singing and listening activities, creative movement and dance, improvisation and composition, drama and literature links. They discover the difference between their speaking and singing voices and develop a repertoire of engaging action songs and games. Students are introduced to the basic elements of music through a variety of activities. From this, students are introduced to visual symbols that prepare them for music literacy.

Prep students join the Prep to Year 2 Choir and develop choral techniques and learn a wide and engaging vocal repertoire drawn from a range of genres.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • recognise beat;
  • differentiate between the spoken and singing voice;
  • recognise simple rhythm patterns (ta, ti-ti, za) both visually and aurally;
  • perform simple rhythmic patterns;
  • recognise known melodies aurally;
  • identify and sing a limited range of pitches;
  • differentiate between high and low pitch;
  • recognise simple musical elements (eg. tempo, dynamics, rhythm, beat);
  • participate effectively in singing (class, Prep – 2 Choir, musical), instrumental, listening and movement activities;
  • improvise and compose with simple rhythms and melodies;
  • share thoughts on the components of music.