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Year 1 Art


Year Level Description

In Year 1, students are encouraged to make choices about ways of using materials, visual art elements and principles, skills, techniques and processes in making and presenting visual artwork. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of art forms including drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, mixed media, design, construct​ion, ceramics and computer technology. They develop their understanding of the art elements of line, shape, colour, form and texture within each art form. Students use and explore a range of art principles including balance, repetition, pattern, variety, emphasis, unity and contrast. Students are encouraged to communicate personal observations and develop an understanding about some visual artwork from past and present.  Students are also encouraged to discuss their artwork and constructively reflect on the work of others.  All students actively participate in collaborative projects both within their year level and across the campus. 

Two-dimensional Art Practice

Drawing — students extend their drawing skills, building on the principles of line, pattern and shape. They are introduced to the use of expression through texture and colour, studying the effect of warm and cool colours and creating shades of varying colour in their work. They experiment with a broad range of drawing mediums and explore transferring their drawings into digital images.

Printmaking — students explore both relief printing and mono prints. They specifically experiment with texture and colour throughout their work. There is also a focus on pattern making and the art of weaving colour to create rhythm within an artwork.

Three-dimensional Art Practice

Ceramics — students commence their exploration of clay with free individual work and a collaborative project based on the classroom theme. They create a relief-based ceramic piece and a small decorative pinch pot, which introduces them to the decorative possibilities of this medium. This functional work is fired in the kiln to give the students some understanding of the whole process of developing a long-lasting ceramic work. 

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • use contour line;
  • use lines, shapes, patterns and texture to create artwork;
  • use line to show movement or visual rhythm;
  • identify, create and use different shapes: geometric, abstract and free-form;
  • identify, create and use secondary colours;
  • understand colour values;
  • tint (to lighten, shade and darken);
  • identify, distinguish and create transparent and opaque colour;
  • understand the basics of papier-mâché;
  • understand and use more complex clay joining techniques;
  • understand that a variety of applications can be used on an iPad to create artwork.