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Year 1 Music


Year Level Description

Students continue to develop their understanding of basic music elements through a highly active program that draws on Kodály and Orff methodologies. They learn a rich and varied repertoire of songs, games and dances that explore the various elements of music. They perform together as a class ensemble using percussion and refine their understanding of pitch, rhythm, texture, pattern (ostinati) and beat. Students express their own creativity through short instrumental, movement or vocal improvisations and record their compositions through traditional and graphic notation.

Year 1 students join the Prep to Year 2 Choir and develop choral techniques and learn a wide and engaging vocal repertoire drawn from a range of genres.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • maintain a steady beat;
  • recognise rhythmic patterns aurally and visually (ta, ti-ti, za, tika-tika);
  • recognise simple music elements such as tempo, beat, pitch, dynamics, harmony;
  • sing simple pentatonic and performance songs;
  • place soh-mi-lah on the stave;
  • recognise patterns both aurally and visually;
  • follow a group melody during part-songs;
  • participate effectively in singing (class, Prep – 2 choir, musical), listening, instrumental and movement activities;
  • improvise and compose with simple rhythms and melodies;
  • share thoughts on the components of music.