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Year 2 Music


Year Level Description

Students continue to develop their understanding of music elements through a highly active program that draws on Kodály and Orff methodologies. They learn a rich and varied repertoire of songs, games and dances that explore the various elements of music and refine their knowledge and understanding about elements such as pitch, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and tone colour. They perform together as a class ensemble using percussion and begin to play and create more complex layered rhythmic and melodic works. Students express their own creativity through short instrumental, movement or vocal improvisations and record their compositions through traditional and graphic notation.

Year 2 students model vocal techniques to the younger students in the Prep to Year 2 Choir and continue to build up their vocal repertoire.

Through song, percussion and recorder activities, students develop a repertoire of works from which they enhance their music literacy, refining their knowledge of pitch by reading from and writing on the treble stave. They investigate the structure of music, analysing listening, composition and performance works. Students extend their understanding of beat with the introduction of meter (march, waltz and tango time) and learn to place bar lines appropriately.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • maintain a steady beat whilst reading rhythms and performing on instruments;
  • recognise changes in meter aurally (march, waltz or skipping);
  • recognise rhythm patterns aurally and visually (ta, ti-ti, zaa, tika-tika, ti-tika);
  • sing soh-mi-lah-do generally in tune;
  • place soh-mi-lah-do on the music stave (and G, A, B, C, D linked with recorder repertoire);
  • analyse simple musical structure;
  • improvise and compose pieces on recorder and percussion instruments;
  • develop a repertoire of works and perform them accurately, demonstrating ensemble skills for both recorder and xylophone;
  • recognise pitch letter names on the treble stave and perform them accurately on the recorder;
  • participate effectively in singing (class, Prep – 2 choir, musical), listening, class discussions, instrumental and movement activities;
  • follow a group melody during part-songs;
  • share thoughts about the components of music and discuss aspects of their own work and others.