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Year 3 Library


Year Level Description

The program aims to ensure that the students can confidently use specific areas within the library. They learn to use the online catalogue, Spydus, to identify and locate different resources to meet specific needs. Information Literacy skills are also reinforced at this level. We aim to encourage independent use of the library facilities.

Literary studies focus on introducing the students to a range of different genres, authors and illustrators that further enhance their passion and understanding of story. Students will be challenged to read, comprehend and discuss books within groups. Students begin to recognise the different textual structures and features of specific genres.

Achievement Standard

By the end of the year students are expected to:

  • identify the purpose of specific resources contained within each area of the library;
  • identify the structure and some literary elements used within selected novels;
  • recognise, read and respond to a variety of genres;
  • recognise various authors and illustrators and have an appreciation of the elements of their work;
  • navigate through our online resources World Book Online and Britannica School to locate information;
  • understand that non-fiction resources are grouped according to subject or theme.