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Year 7 English


Common Unit

Unit Description

Year 7 English focusses on the consolidation and expansion of the student’s understanding of literacy, language and literature.  By exploring others’ speech and writing, and considering their own language choices, students become increasingly aware of the relationship between language use, purpose and audience.  A focus on the appropriate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar conventions forms a part of this study.

During the year, students explore the relationship between language and argument in persuasive writing. They study several novels, developing their ability to comprehend, analyse and evaluate imaginative texts. Students explore the specific stylistic features of such texts, as well as the themes or ideas presented by the writer. English also includes the study of a multimodal text and various non-fiction texts.

Throughout the year, emphasis is given to the Wide Reading program, which encourages students to develop an independent reading habit. Students undertake a range of creative, persuasive, informative and analytical written tasks, as well as building their oral communication skills in both formal and informal settings. Students are supported to learn how to collaborate effectively with others, as well as developing their ability to learn independently. 


Students are assessed in a range of ways, including:

  • Text response essays
  • Persuasive, informative and imaginative writing
  • Oral and multi-modal text responses