Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Year 9

What Do Students and Families Need to Do?

Students currently enrolled at Middle School in Year 8 must complete their subject preferences for Year 9 2025, online via Web Preferences 

Subject Preferences should be completed online, including the electronic signature of a parent, by Thursday 1 August 2024.

Important: Subject preferences are due during the second week of the three-week Year 8 intensive program and some students may be at Hattah or on a Rural experience during this time. Subject Preferences MUST be submitted online by the due date.

Making Your Selections

Deciding Your Preferences

The Course Structure chart below shows the subjects studied at Year 9. Select each subject to view the details.

Important things to note:

  • Over the course of Year 8 and 9, students must ensure that they make at least one selection from Visual Arts (Art and Design), and at least one selection from Performing Arts (Drama and Music).
  • It is possible that a course will not run if there are insufficient numbers to form a viable class.
  • Many combinations of courses are possible within our timetable structure and every effort is made to accommodate student preferences. However, there may be a few combinations that are not possible and so an alternative unit would need to be selected.


Year 9 Semester 1
Year 9 Semester 2