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Year 7 Integrated & Immersive Learning

Enterprise Program

Common Unit


The Year 7 Enterprise week is an immersive program which provides the opportunity for students to participate in learning that is creative and collaborative and aims to empower them to become positive change agents by supporting each other to make a difference. 

The program aims to: 

  • prepare students to understand their responsibility in becoming positive change agents for the future
  • provide the opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they will need to thrive and shape their world 

The program involves the students to become more adaptable whilst developing a deeper understanding through a real-world problem-solving experience. Old Carey Grammarians, teachers, higher education students and broader community members support the students throughout the program by sharing their expertise, knowledge, and skills. 

The Challenge for our Year 7 students is to design a solution that would help one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. They do this by undertaking project-based learning to develop a product or service, prototype it, market it and design a business case to make a positive difference. Students collaborate by working in teams to explore and develop essential skills that are necessary to thrive now and in the future. 

Throughout the week, students will be contributing to the wellbeing of a local community by developing the elements of Active Citizenship. They use their imagination to create a solution, they collaborate with their team to ideate, and they demonstrate courage during their elevator pitches and the final showcase of their solutions.