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Year 7 Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

Common Unit

Unit Description

The five-day Year 7 Outdoor Education program provides students with opportunities to develop as individuals within a community that is supportive yet challenging and exciting.

In Term 1 Year 7 students, in their class groups and accompanied by their class teacher, spend time at Camp Toonallook in the Gippsland Lakes. This program serves as an orientation to Carey for students new to the school and provides wonderful opportunities for all students to make new friends.

The program introduces many skills and experiences which provide a foundation for future outdoor activities, and may include:

  • Canoeing
  • Sailing
  • Bush cooking
  • Expedition packing
  • Bush walking
  • Navigation
  • Kayaking
  • Cycling

The Year 7 program focusses primarily on Relationships between students allowing them the opportunity to create support networks amongst their peers and class teacher.

Particular emphasis is placed on the development of an awareness and appreciation of the environment through a two night expedition where students and staff travel as an indpenedent group within the Gippsland Lakes Coastal Park.


Informal assessment occurs throughout the program with staff providing feedback as necessary. Students write reflections on their experiences and their learning and are encouraged to self-assess based on a series of guided questions. This aspect of personal and social learning is an important element of Outdoor Education.