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Year 8 Health

Health Education

Common Unit

Unit Description

Health Education can be defined as a combination of learning experiences, which affect the way students think, feel and act in relation to their wellbeing and that of others. The study of Health and wellbeing is concerned with the relationship between the individual and the physical, socio-cultural, emotional, mental and spiritual constructs in our world. Health Education promotes attitudes, values and behaviours consistent with responsible actions and supports development of a critical thinking approach towards personal and community health issues.

The study of Health provides a forum in which the reality of a teenager's life and the issues that are important to them can be highlighted and given value in their own right. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and to understand the effect their actions have on themselves and those around them.

Health Education offers experiential learning, providing opportunities for students to think critically and reflect upon a variety of personal and community health issues. It recognises that health is multi-dimensional and is influenced by both individual and group actions.

Health Education respects the dignity, privacy and uniqueness of the individual. It promotes a safe and supportive environment conducive to open discussion and can deal with sensitive issues. Effective learning requires accurate and relevant information processes aimed at developing personal competence and the ongoing guidance of a trusted teacher.

In Year 8 students identify behaviours that positively influence and negatively impact on their health and wellbeing. They are challenged to take more responsibility for their own health and personal safety. There is a focus on developing an understanding of how individuals and groups affect people's behaviours, beliefs, decisions and actions in relation to a range of issues. Students examine a variety of personal, environmental and social factors that can influence an individual's choices and explore and evaluate options, consequences and healthier and safer alternatives.

The Health Education program aims to:

  • promote ways and means to help students live healthier, happier and more productive lives
  • provide students with a greater understanding of themselves and their relationships with others so that a true sense of self may be enhanced
  • enable more effective means of communication
  • guide students in the process of decision-making, especially in relation to their own wellbeing
  • encourage assertive and responsible behaviour patterns
  • assist students in developing a greater appreciation of diversity
  • provide a safe and secure environment in which students can discuss personal and community health issues

Areas of Study

Australian Health Issues: Investigating the Impacts and Prevention

An exploration of issues related to the health of the Australian population. Students investigate the incidence, cause and possible preventative measures associated with some of the major diseases confronting all Australians, for example diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.​

Nutrition and Physical Activity: Promoting Optimal Healthy Eating Habits

At the completion of this area of study, students have a greater understanding of the need for and implementation of good nutritional habits. Students explore the relationship between food intake and physical activity, and analyse their own lifestyle in terms of energy balance. They also look at what influences our food choices, such as the media and our peers.

Harm Minimisation: Informed Decision-making and Choices

This unit aims to educate students on identifying and responding appropriately to high risk situations in order to reduce harm. Students are supported to design and implement risk reduction strategies associated with drug use and sexual practices including consent and consider the use of healthier, alternative behaviours. The unit also encompasses Sexual Education topics such as promoting respectful relationships, the law, consent and sexual identity. The unit builds students knowledge and skills to make positive choices that promote their health and wellbeing in real world contexts such as partying safely, and using social media platforms with an ethical approach.



  • Australian Health Issues investigation
  • Nutrition Project
  • Illegal Drugs Assignment and Minimising the Risk Assignment
  • Sexuality Education Assessment Task
  • Interactive Workbook: All students have access to a Carey Health OneNote workbook covering specific topics. Students are required to complete exercises in their Health OneNote workbook in class and as homework tasks