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Year 9 Mathematics


Common Unit

Unit Description

This subject continues to develop the numeric and algebraic skills which are required to participate in society. Based on the Victorian Curriculum, this course is also designed to prepare students for the study of Mathematics in the Senior School.

This course begins with the review and development of equation solving skills and students learn to model many real life situations with algebraic equations. This is followed by an introduction to Pythagoras' Theorem and then the study of measurement including perimeter, area and volume. Spatial awareness is also developed through a study on similar and congruent triangles. Algebraic manipulation is extended through a broad study of indices and the index laws. The study of statistics is widened to be more realistic and include grouped and non-grouped data analysis.

Algebraic skills are extended to include expanding products and factorisation of quadratic expressions. The study of linear functions teaches students to sketch functions and derive formulae from a linear graph. They also learn to model practical situations using linear graphing techniques. Trigonometry is introduced and students learn to apply this to practical calculations such as those involving bearings.

Students use manipulatives where appropriate and make extensive use of CAS technology. They also participate in regular investigative and problem-solving tasks which develop their critical thinking, collaboration and creativity skills.


  • Topic tests.
  • Collaborative tasks.
  • Semester tests.