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Year 9 Music

The Contemporary Composer

Elective Unit

Unit Description

The Contemporary Composer builds upon students’ previous experiences in music to explore the role of the composer as composer, performer, and listener.  Flexibly designed to be supportive of student entry into the course, The Contemporary Composer builds literacy in music and expands language to provide opportunities for students to reflect on past and examine contemporary practice in compositionStudents reimagine the works of others and create their own original music, developing their skills through computer-based Garage Band and MuseScore programs - composing, arranging and editing music, as well as bringing their own instrumental skills to the projectsWhether a near beginner or a more confident musician, this class builds upon the interests and expertise of all students. 

Areas of Study

  • Composing, Performing, Listening Activities
  • Computer-based composition programs
  • Developing historical perspectives of music and composition
  • Practically applying theoretical elements to making music 


  • Group Performance and recreation of known works
  • Composition of songs in various styles
  • Development of historical understandings and perspectives of composition 
  • Reflection activities