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VCE Humanities

Ancient History Unit 3: Ancient Greece


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Course Description

In Units 3 and 4 Ancient History students investigate the features of two ancient societies, and a significant crisis and the role of individuals in these ancient societies. Greece and Rome were major civilisations of the Mediterranean and bestowed a powerful legacy on the contemporary world. Students explore the structures of two of these societies and a period of crisis in its history, one for Unit 3 and one for Unit 4.

Life in these ancient societies was shaped by the complex interplay of social, political and economic factors. Trade, warfare and the exchange of ideas between societies also influenced the way people lived. Furthermore, all three societies experienced dramatic crises which caused massive disruption. During these times of upheaval, individuals acted in ways that held profound consequences for themselves and for their society.

Areas of Study

Living in an Ancient Society

  • What were the social, political and economic features of an ancient society?
  • Why were these social, political and economic features significant?
  • How did the society develop and change?


In this area of study students focus on the historical significance of the social, political and economic features of the selected ancient society. In terms of social features, the existence of hierarchies meant that individual experiences varied enormously. There were profound differences in the experiences of men and women, locals and foreigners, and slaves and free people. Students explore the significance of political institutions and the distribution and expression of power between groups, and tensions resulting from such differences. They investigate the significance of the economic features of life, including agriculture, industry and trade.

The social, political and economic features of society are interrelated and change over time. Students consider the causes and consequences of these changes both from within the society and from external catalysts such as trade, warfare and the exchange of ideas. Such inquiry involves the use of written sources and the material record.


For Greece, students examine the social, political and economic features of life during the Archaic Period. They also investigate social, political and economic features of Athens and Sparta to 454 BC. Furthermore, they examine the causes and consequences of the conflict between Greece and Persia.

People in power, societies in crisis

  • What were the causes of the crisis in the ancient society?
  • How did the consequences of the crisis change ancient societies?
  • What were the roles, motives and influences of significant individuals in contributing to the crisis? 
  • What are the different historical interpretations of the crisis?

In this area of study students focus on crisis in ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome with particular reference to four significant individuals and their role in shaping events. Crises take the form of internal political struggles, civil war and conflict between states. To understand these turning points, students analyse the causes and consequences of the crisis. They explore how key individuals influenced events, including, in some cases, making decisions that shaped their societies. Conversely, students investigate ways that the power of individuals might have been limited. To comprehend these individuals, students explore how their beliefs, values and attitudes informed their actions. Investigation of these individuals develops students’ understanding of human agency.

For Greece, students investigate the Peloponnesian War (460–404 BCE) and how it reveals a different form of crisis. The conflict was fought between the Athenian Empire and the Peloponnesian League, each pursuing their interests. At the start of the war, Athens was wealthy and powerful. By the end of the struggle, her power was broken. Students analyse the involvement of Pericles, Nicias, Alcibiades and Lysander during the Peloponnesian War and what this reveals about the roles, motives and influence of these key individuals.



Assessment Tasks

Marks Allocated

(school-assessed coursework)

 Analyse the features of an ancient society and evaluate how these features developed, interacted and changed.

A historical inquiry.

Analysis of primary sources.


Evaluate the significance of a crisis in an ancient society and evaluate the role, motives and influence of key individuals involved in the crisis.

Evaluation of historical interpretations.



Total Marks




Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment



Exam Duration

Contribution to Study Score (%)


Unit 3 Coursework





Unit 4 Coursework





Written Examination


2 hours










Reproduced by permission of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: