Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Year 10

Head of Senior School: Ms Kellie Lyneham
P: +61 3 9816 1205 E:

Year 10 Co-ordinator (Acting): Mr Jason Ross
P: +61398161221 E:


Year 10 at Carey is the first of three years in our well-established and highly regarded Senior School. Students build on the experiences and learning they gained in Middle School as they prepare themselves for their graduating qualification, either the International Baccalaureate Diploma or the Victorian Certificate of Education. Increasingly, students are engaging in more personalised pathways within these frameworks.

In addition to supporting our students to consider their strengths and interests as a learner and where they might like their learning to take them within and beyond Carey our Year 10 Program supports students to consider what kind of person they are and what kind of adult they would like to become.

The Year 10 Program at Carey is overseen by the Year 10 Co-ordinator, who works closely with the Senior School Executive, Zero at Kew Mentors, Heads of House, Leaders of Learning, Year 10 Teachers, Careers Practitioners, Student Wellbeing staff, and Carey Zero staff to ensure the highest quality experience for our Year 10 students.

Year 10 at Carey includes a range of courses and experiences to be undertaken:

  • Core Subjects – undertaken by all Year 10 students
  • Semester Electives – how many of these units a student undertakes is dependent upon the number, if any, of year-long studies undertaken by the student
  • Carey Zero
  • Zero at Kew

While reading the descriptions of our Year 10 core subjects and semester electives, you will notice the inclusion of essential questions. Carey teachers frame their planning and development of courses using essential questions. These questions help to ensure that our students are challenged to explore the deeper issues and concepts underlying the subjects that we teach.

Carey Zero - Far North Queensland

In 2024, we were delighted to launch our Carey Zero experience for all Year 10 students who are able to attend. This exciting three-week journey in Far North Queensland incorporates content from a variety of subject areas, including English, Visual Arts, Science and Outdoor Education, linking learning to real-world experience. 

During the Zero journey, students visit a Marine Biology research station at Orpheus Island, Woodleigh cattle station, Mungalla Station run by First Nations traditional owners and many other engaging coastal and inland sites and communities in North Queensland. The Zero journey also includes a week-long wilderness expedition through a conservation property, to which Carey students are given exclusive access. A highlight of this expedition is climbing to the iconic ‘727’ campsite, the peak of Mt Zero - Taravale.

The Zero journey is based on the belief that students need to feel empowered to make change before they can begin to do so, and in order to take ownership of their country and its future, they first need to connect with it. Through their Zero experience, Year 10 students will have the opportunity to explore and harness their strengths, and build upon their independence, whilst connecting deeply with themselves, their community of peers and staff, and the country in which they live.

Zero at Kew

At Carey, we value the importance of the wellbeing and character development of each of the students in our care. To foster strong connections and support networks among our students, as well as create the conditions for each student to be known, understood, valued and accepted for who they are. All Year 10 students will belong to a Zero at Kew Mentor Group consisting of up to 15 students. In addition to delivering the Zero at Kew course, the Zero Mentor will serve as the first point of contact for students and parents, providing guidance, support, and accountability throughout the Year 10 experience. Students will travel to North Queensland in this Zero group, accompanied at times by their Zero Mentor.

The Zero at Kew course aims to empower our Year 10 students by nurturing their physical, mental, and academic well-being, while also fostering leadership skills, future planning, and essential life skills. The curriculum in part, will be delivered through a pedagogy shaped by First Nations and Expedition learning principles. These principles emphasise hands-on experiential learning, connecting students with real-world contexts, and fostering a deep understanding of Indigenous cultures and perspectives. Through this pedagogy, students will develop a strong sense of place, community, and connection to the world around them. We believe that this comprehensive whole person approach will support our students in the Senior School to manage their transition well and build the character, skills, and competence required to contribute positively to young adult life and become better prepared for the challenges of their future.

In addition to regular contact points during Community Time, each Zero at Kew Zero Group will also meet for extended Zero at Kew lessons each week. All Year 10 students will continue to belong to one of our 10 Houses, in which they will have the opportunity to connect with peers from Year 11 and 12 several times a week. This cross-year interaction within the House family builds upon the connections made in Zero at Kew and fosters a sense of community, mentorship, and collaboration, enriching students’ Senior School experience.

Year 10 Induction Program

To support our Year 10 students' transition into the Senior School at Carey, our Year 10 Program begins with a series if induction activities which:

  • Provide the students with an introduction to the Senior School.
  • Outline the School’s expectations of Senior School students, and the outcome for students when contributing well to a positive learning culture.
  • Establish a sense of belonging and connection to students’ Year Level, Zero at Kew mentor group, and their House.

Year 10 Art and Design

Year 10 Business Studies

Year 10 CARE

Year 10 Computing

Year 10 Drama

Year 10 English

Year 10 Humanities (Students must select at least one unit from Humanities)

Year 10 Languages

Year 10 Mathematics

Year 10 Music

Year 10 Physical Education

Year 10 Science