Curriculum information of Carey Baptist Grammar School

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Year 12 & VCE Co-ordinator: Denis Overberg
P: + 61 9816 1297 E:

Year 11 & VCE Coordinator: Claire Tumilovics
P: +61 3 9816 1443 E:

Choosing Your VCE Program

A VCE program is the complete list of VCE units undertaken by a student. The curriculum at Carey is very broad and allows students to complete their VCE program over Years 10, 11 and 12.

How many units are studied?

Generally Carey students complete a program which consists of between 20 and 24 units. Students at Carey study six subjects in Year 11 and five subjects in Year 12.

What are the minimum requirements to qualify for the VCE?

Students are required to satisfactorily complete the following:

  • A minimum of 16 semester length units.
  • At least three units from the English group: Units 1 and 2 – English as an Additional Language, English Language or Literature and Units 3 and 4 – English, English as an Additional Language, English Language or Literature.
  • A sequence of Units 3 and 4 in three studies in addition to the compulsory English.

Students must satisfactorily complete four Unit 3 and 4 sequences, including Units 3 and 4 of an English study, in order to be eligible for an ATAR score.

Please note: Although the VCAA no longer imposes a penalty for repeating a VCE study, tertiary institutions may re-rank applicants for some courses if a student has repeated a VCE study.


Completing Your VCE

Although there is the opportunity to study VCE units within the Year 10 course, the major component of the VCE is undertaken when students are in Years 11 and 12.

Students who have been on an extended exchange overseas, have suffered significant illness, are engaged in sport at an elite level or who for other legitimate reasons wish to extend their VCE studies often choose to undertake a Year 13. There is no penalty for undertaking the VCE over more than two years although tertiary institutions may re-rank applicants for some courses if a student completes their VCE over a longer period than the standard two years.


ATAR Score

ATAR Scores are calculated by ranking students on the sum of their scaled study score for English (English as an Additional Language, English Language or Literature), their next best three permissible scaled study scores and 10% of the scaled study score of up to two more subjects. 

Only two Mathematics subjects, LOTE, English or VET subjects will be included in calculating a student's primary four subjects. A third subject (VCE or University Enrichment Study) in any of these areas may be included as a fifth or sixth subject. A University Extension Study will only be included if it is a sixth subject.

Note: Some tertiary courses specify certain subjects which must be studied and/or included in the primary four scores used to calculate a student's ATAR.

VCE Art and Design

VCE Business Studies


VCE Computing

VCE English

VCE Humanities

VCE Languages

VCE Mathematics

VCE Performing Arts

VCE Physical Education and Health

VCE Science