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VCE Humanities

Philosophy Unit 1: Philosophy, Existence and Knowledge


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Course Description

What is the nature of reality? How can we acquire certain knowledge? These are some of the questions that have challenged humans for millennia and underpin ongoing endeavours in areas as diverse as science, justice and the arts. This unit engages students with fundamental philosophical questions through active, guided investigation and critical discussion of 2 key areas of philosophy: epistemology and metaphysics. The emphasis is on philosophical inquiry – ‘doing philosophy’ – through the formulation and exploration of questions in philosophical exchanges with others. Hence the study and practice of techniques of philosophical reasoning are central to this unit. As students learn to think philosophically, appropriate examples of philosophical viewpoints and arguments, both contemporary and historical, are used to support, stimulate and enhance their thinking about central concepts and problems. At least one of these examples will be from a primary philosophical text using a complete text or an extract. As students investigate central concepts and problems, they will also consider the relationship between philosophical problems and relevant contemporary debates.

Areas of Study

The nature and methods of philosophy

Philosophy is an activity as much as it is a body of thought. Students benefit from first understanding the distinctive nature of philosophical thinking before embarking on a deeper study of the questions, problems and ideas that have challenged philosophers for millennia.
In this area of study, students are introduced to, and practise, a variety of techniques used by philosophers to construct, analyse and evaluate arguments. Students consider what distinguishes philosophical reasoning from other ways of thinking and through so doing, begin to formulate an understanding of the distinctive nature of philosophy.


Metaphysics is the study of the basic structures and categories of what exists, or of reality. It is the attempt to work out a logical account of everything that we know or believe about existence, including all our scientific knowledge. 

Students study at least 2 of the 6 themes listed below. A range of questions for study is to be selected from the list under each theme. Appropriate questions outside the list can also be included for study.

For at least one of the themes selected, students must study a minimum of one primary text. Suggested thinkers are recommended at the end of each section, from which an appropriate primary text or texts can be selected, or an appropriate thinker outside this list could be studied.

  • On Materialism and Idealism
  • On the Nature of Mind
  • On Personal Identity
  • On the existence and nature of God
  • On free will and determinism
  • On time and space


The word epistemology derives from two Ancient Greek words: episteme meaning ‘knowledge’ and logos meaning ‘what is said about something’. In the ancient world, episteme was contrasted with doxa meaning ‘belief’, or something falling short of genuine knowledge. This ancient contrast points to one of the basic problems in epistemology: the difference between belief/opinion, and the certainty associated with knowledge.

This area of study introduces students to basic epistemological problems through a study of questions associated with selected themes. Students also consider philosophical problems in contemporary debates, including the implications of accepting particular views about knowledge; for example, what are the implications for the authority of science from a position that knowledge, belief and truth are relative to different cultures? Does considering this implication lead to a revision of the initial position?

Students study at least 2 of the themes listed below, including the first theme ‘On knowledge’ and at least one other theme. A range of questions for study is to be selected from the list under each theme. Appropriate questions outside the list can also be included for study.

For at least one of the themes selected, students must study a minimum of one primary text. Suggested thinkers are recommended at the end of each section, from which an appropriate primary text or texts can be selected, or an appropriate thinker outside this list could be studied.

  • On Knowledge
  • On the possibility of a priori knowledge
  • On science
  • On Objectivity


Assessment Tasks
(school-assessed coursework)

On completion of this unit, the student should be able to analyse the distinctive nature of philosophy and recognise and apply techniques of philosophical reasoning.

To achieve this outcome, the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.


  • a written analysis
  • short-answer responses
  • extended-answer responses



On completion of this unit, the student should be able to analyse metaphysical problems and evaluate viewpoints and arguments arising from these and analyse metaphysical problems in relevant contemporary debates.

To achieve this outcome, the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 2.

  • an essay
  • a narrative response and statement of intention

On completion of this unit, the student should be able to analyse epistemological problems and evaluate viewpoints and arguments arising from these, and analyse epistemological problems in relevant contemporary debates.

  • a written analysis
  • short-answer responses
  • an essay


Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: