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VCE Science

Biology Unit 4: How Does Life Change and Respond to Challenges?


Biology Unit 3.

Course Description

In this unit students consider the continual change and challenges to which life on Earth has been, and continues to be, subjected to. They study the human immune system and the interactions between its components to provide immunity to a specific pathogen. Students consider how the application of biological knowledge can be used to respond to bioethical issues and challenges related to disease.

Students consider how evolutionary biology is based on the accumulation of evidence over time. They investigate the impact of various change events on a population’s gene pool and the biological consequences of changes in allele frequencies. Students examine the evidence for relatedness between species and change in life forms over time using evidence from palaeontology, structural morphology, molecular homology and comparative genomics. Students examine the evidence for structural trends in the human fossil record, recognising that interpretations can be contested, refined or replaced when challenged by new evidence.

Students demonstrate and apply their knowledge of how life changes and responds to challenges through investigation of a selected case study, data analysis and/or bioethical issue. Examples of investigation topics include, but are not limited to: deviant cell behaviour and links to disease; autoimmune diseases; allergic reactions; development of immunotherapy strategies; use and application of bacteriophage therapy; prevention and eradication of disease; vaccinations; bioprospecting for new medical treatments; trends, patterns and evidence for evolutionary relationships; population and species changes over time in non-animal communities such as forests and microbiota; monitoring of gene pools for conservation planning; role of selective breeding programs in conservation of endangered species; or impact of new technologies on the study of evolutionary biology.

Areas of Study

How do organisms respond to pathogens?

In this area of study students focus on the immune response of organisms to specific pathogens. Students examine unique molecules called antigens and how they illicit an immune response, the nature of immunity and the role of vaccinations in providing immunity. They explain how technological advances assist in managing immune system disorders and how immunotherapies can be applied to the treatment of other diseases.

How are species related over time?

In this area of study students focus on changes to genetic material over time and the evidence for biological evolution. They consider how the field of evolutionary biology is based upon the accumulation of evidence over time and develop an understanding of how interpretations of evidence can change in the light of new evidence as a result of technological advances, particularly in molecular biology. Students consider the biological consequences of changes in allele frequencies and how isolation and divergence are required elements for speciation. They consider the evidence for determining the relatedness between species and examine the evidence for major trends in hominin evolution, including the migration of modern human populations around the world.

How is scientific inquiry used to investigate cellular processes and/or biological change?

Students undertake a student-designed scientific investigation in either Unit 3 or Unit 4, or across both Units 3 and 4. The investigation involves the generation of primary data relating to cellular processes and/or how life changes and responds to challenges. The investigation draws on knowledge and related key science skills developed across Units 3 and 4 and is undertaken by students in the laboratory and/or in the field.

When undertaking the investigation students are required to apply the key science skills to develop a question, state an aim, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action to answer the question, while complying with safety and ethical guidelines. Students then undertake an investigation to generate primary quantitative data, analyse and evaluate the data, identify limitations of data and methods, link experimental results to scientific ideas, discuss implications of the results, and draw a conclusion in response to the question. The presentation format for the investigation is a scientific poster constructed according to the structure outline provided by VCAA. A logbook is maintained by students for record, assessment and authentication purposes.


Outcomes Assessment Tasks Marks Allocated
(school-assessed coursework)
Analyse the immune response to specific antigens, compare the different ways that immunity may be acquired and evaluate challenges and strategies in the treatment of disease.

One task selected from:

  • analysis and evaluation of a selected biological case study
  • analysis and evaluation of generated primary and/or collated secondary data
  • comparison and evaluation of biological concepts, methodologies and methods, and findings from three student practical activities
  • analysis and evaluation of a contemporary bioethical issue.
Analyse the evidence for genetic changes in populations and changes in species over time, analyse the evidence for relatedness between species, and evaluate the evidence for human change over time.

One task selected from:

  • analysis and evaluation of a selected biological case study
  • analysis and evaluation of generated primary and/or collated secondary data
  • comparison and evaluation of biological concepts, methodologies and methods, and findings from three student practical activities
  • analysis and evaluation of a contemporary bioethical issue.
Design and conduct a scientific investigation related to cellular processes and/or how life changes and responds to challenges, and present an aim, methodology and methods, results, discussion and a conclusion in a scientific poster.
A structured scientific poster according to the VCAA template.
Total Marks 120

Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment Title Assessment Exam Duration Contribution to Study Score (%)
1 Unit 3 Coursework School-assessed   20
2 Unit 4 Coursework School-assessed   30
3 Written Examination November 2.5 hours 50


Reproduced by permission of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: