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VCE Mathematics

Foundation Mathematics Unit 3 and 4


Completion of Foundation Mathematics Unit 1 and 2.

Course Description

Foundation Mathematics Units 3 and 4 focus on providing students with the mathematical knowledge, skills, understanding and dispositions to solve problems in real contexts for a range of workplace, personal, further learning, and community settings relevant to contemporary society.

Foundation Mathematics Units 3 and 4 build on the assumed knowledge and skills for Units 1 and 2.

In undertaking these units, students are expected to be able to apply techniques, routines and processes involving integer, sets, lists and tables, data displays, diagrams, plans, algorithms, measures, equations and graphs, with or without the use of technology. They should have facility with relevant mental and by-hand approaches to estimation and computation.

Areas of Study

The areas of study for Foundation Units 3 and 4 are: ‘Algebra, number and structure’, ‘Data Analysis, probability and statistics’, ‘Discrete Mathematics’ and ‘Space and measurement’.

Algebra, number and structure

  • Rational numbers and irrational numbers related to measurements, ratios and proportions.
  • Direct and indirect variation.
  • Graphical and algebraic analysis of relations including transposition and finding a break-even point using simultaneous equations.
  • Rounding, significant figures and percentage error.

Data analysis, probability and statistics

  • Long-term data and relative frequencies in practical situations such as epidemics, climate, environment, sport and marketing.
  • Interpolation and extrapolation of data, predictions, limitations and inferences.
  • Data collections requirements and methods considering audience, errors and misrepresentations in statistics.

Discrete mathematics

  • Personal finances including loans, credit, debit and mortgages.
  • Taxation systems include GST, BAS and invoicing.
  • Consideration of financial risk.
  • Managing money and financial planning.
  • Analysis and interpretation of financial data sets, trends and economic indicators for local community and national or global level including inflation, stock markets movements and recessions.

Space and measurement

  • Calculations of enlargement and reduction using scaling techniques.
  • Conventions, properties and measurement of perimeter, area, surface area and volume of compound shapes and objects.
  • Geometric constructions and transformations, similarity, symmetry and projections.
  • Calibration and effort in measurement.


The School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3 will contribute 40% to the study score and Unit 4 will contribute 20% to the study score. Two Mathematical Investigations in Unit 3 and one Mathematical Investigation in Unit 4.


Assessment Tasks

Marks Allocated

(school-assessed coursework)

Students demonstrate satisfactory completion of all three outcomes in each assessment task.

  • Define and explain key terms and concepts as specified in the content of the areas of study and apply a range of related mathematical routines and procedures.
  • Apply processes in non-routine contexts and analyse and discuss these applications.
  • Select and appropriately use numeric, graphic and symbolic and statistical technology to develop mathematical ideas, produce results and carry out analysis in situations requiring problem-solving, modelling or investigative techniques or approaches.

Investigation One


Investigation Two


Investigation Three


Total Marks


Overall Final Assessment

The School-assessed Coursework for Unit 3 will contribute 40% to the study score and Unit 4 will contribute 20% to the study score. The written examination allows a bound reference and a scientific calculator.


Graded Assessment



Exam Duration

Contribution to Study Score (%)


Units 3 & 4 Coursework


 3 Mathematical Investigations



Written Examination 2


2 hours


Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: