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VCE Business Studies

Legal Studies Unit 3: Rights and Justice


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Course Description

The Victorian justice system, which includes the criminal and civil justice systems, aims to protect the rights of individuals and uphold the principles of justice: fairness, equality and access. In this unit, students examine the methods and institutions in the criminal and civil justice system, and consider their appropriateness in determining criminal cases and resolving civil disputes. Students consider the Magistrates’ Court, County Court and Supreme Court within the Victorian court hierarchy, as well as other means and institutions used to determine and resolve cases.

Students explore topics such as the rights available to an accused and to victims in the criminal justice system, the roles of the judge, jury, legal practitioners and the parties, and the ability of sanctions and remedies to achieve their purposes. Students investigate the extent to which the principles of justice are upheld in the justice system. Throughout this unit, students apply legal reasoning and information to actual and/or hypothetical scenarios.

Areas of Study

The Victorian criminal justice system

The purposes of the Victorian criminal justice system are to determine whether an accused person is guilty beyond reasonable doubt of an offence for which they are charged, and to impose sanctions when a person is guilty of committing a crime. The system includes the courts (the Magistrates’ Court, County Court and Supreme Court) and institutions such as Victoria Legal Aid and community legal centres available to assist an accused and victims of crime.

In this area of study, students explore the criminal justice system, key personnel, and the use of plea negotiations to determine a criminal case. Students investigate the rights of the accused and of victims, and explore the purposes and types of sanctions and sentencing considerations. They consider the impact of time, costs and cultural differences on the ability of the criminal justice system to achieve the principles of justice. Students synthesise and apply legal principles and information relevant to the criminal justice system to actual and/or hypothetical scenarios.

The Victorian civil justice system

One of the aims of the Victorian civil justice system is to restore a wronged party to the position they were originally in before a breach of civil law occurred. There are a range of institutions in Victoria that aim to help parties resolve a civil dispute, including courts (the Magistrates’ Court, County Court and Supreme Court), Consumer Affairs Victoria, and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

In this area of study, students consider the factors relevant to commencing a civil claim, examine the institutions and methods used to resolve a civil dispute and explore the purposes and types of remedies. Students consider the impact of time and costs on the ability of the civil justice system to achieve the principles of justice. Students synthesise and apply legal principles and information relevant to the civil justice system to actual and/or hypothetical scenarios.


Outcomes Assessment Tasks Marks Allocated
(school-assessed coursework)
Explain the key principles in the criminal justice system, discuss the ability of sanctions to achieve their purposes and evaluate the ability of the criminal justice system to achieve the principles of justice during a criminal case.  Case study or test or essay or folio of exercises. 50
Explain the key principles in the civil justice system, discuss the ability of remedies to achieve their purposes and evaluate the ability of the civil justice system to achieve the principles of justice during a civil dispute. Case study or test or essay or folio of exercises. 50
Total Marks 100

Overall Final Assessment

Graded Assessment Title Assessment Exam Duration Contribution to Study Score (%)
1 Unit 3 Coursework School-assessed   25
2 Unit 4 Coursework School-assessed   25
3 Written Examination November 2 hours 50


Reproduced by permission of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: