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VCE Science

Physics Unit 1: How is Energy useful to Society?


Students are strongly recommended to complete the Year 10 Physics course before undertaking Physics Unit 1. Mathematical Methods is highly recommended. 

Course Description

In this unit students examine some of the fundamental ideas and models used by physicists in an attempt to understand and explain energy. Models used to understand light, thermal energy, radioactivity, nuclear processes and electricity are explored. Students apply these physics ideas to contemporary societal issues: communication, climate change and global warming, medical treatment, electrical home safety and Australian energy needs. 

Areas of Study

How Are Light and Heat Explained? 

In this area of study, students study light using the wave model and thermal energy using a particle model forming an understanding of the fundamental physics ideas of reflection, refraction and dispersion. They use these to understand observations made of the world such as mirages and rainbows. They investigate energy transfers and explore how light and thermal energy relate to one another. They apply light ideas to explain how light is used through optical fibres in communication, and how physics is used to inform global warming and climate change. 

How Is Energy from the Nucleus Utilised? 

In this area of study, students build on their understanding of energy to explore energy that derives from the nuclei of atoms. They learn about the properties of the radiation from the nucleus and the effects of this radiation on human cells and tissues and apply this understanding to the use of radioisotopes in medical therapy. Students explore the transfer of energy from the nucleus through the processes of fission and fusion and apply these ideas to evaluate the viability of nuclear energy as an energy source for Australia. 

How Can Electricity be Used to Transfer Energy? 

In this area of study, students develop conceptual models to analyse electrical phenomena and undertake practical investigations of circuit components. Concepts of electrical safety are developed through the study of safety mechanisms and the effect of current on humans. Students apply and critically assess mathematical models during experimental investigations of DC circuits. They explore electrical safety and the use of transducers to transfer energy in common devices. 


Model, investigate and evaluate the wave-like nature of light, thermal energy and the emission and absorption of light by matter. 

Tasks are selected by the teacher from the following: 

  • a report of a laboratory or fieldwork activity including the generation of primary data 
  • reflective annotations related to one or more practical activities from a logbook 
  • an analysis and evaluation of generated primary and/or collated secondary data 
  • a critique of an experimental design, process or apparatus 
  • a modelling or simulation activity 
  • a report of the design, building, testing and evaluation of a device 
  • an explanation of a selected physics device, design or innovation 
  • a physics-referenced response to an issue or innovation 
  • a report of a selected physics phenomenon 
  • a media analysis/response 
  • an infographic 
  • problem-solving involving physics concepts and/or skills 
  • a report of an application of physics concepts to a real-world context 
  • an analysis, including calculations, of physics concepts applied to real-world contexts 
  • comparison and evaluation of two solutions to a problem, two explanations of a physics phenomenon or concept, or two methods and/or findings from practical activities 
  • a scientific poster. 


Explain, apply and evaluate nuclear radiation, radioactive decay and nuclear energy. 

Investigate and apply a basic DC circuit model to simple battery-operated devices and household electrical systems, apply mathematical models to analyse circuits, and describe the safe and effective use of electricity by individuals and the community 

Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours.

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: