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VCE Humanities

Politics - Unit 3


It is highly recommended that students have completed Politics Units 1 and 2. 

Course Description

Politics Unit 3: Global cooperation and conflict 

In this unit, students investigate an issue and a crisis that pose challenges to the global community. Students begin with an investigation into an issue of global scale, such as climate change, global economic instability, the issue of development or weapons of mass destruction. Students also examine the causes and consequences of a humanitarian crisis that may have begun in one state but which has crossed over into neighbouring states and requires an emergency response. This crisis must be chosen from the areas of human rights, armed conflict and the mass movement of people. They consider the causes of these issues and crises, and investigate their consequences on a global level and for a variety of global actors.  

Areas of Study

Global issues, global responses 

  • What makes an issue global? 
  • Why are global issues significant for global actors? 
  • What are the causes of global issues? 
  • How can global issues be resolved? 
  • What are the key challenges to the resolution of global issues? 


Contemporary crises: conflict, stability and change 

  • How can we understand the nature of contemporary humanitarian crises?  
  • To what extent is it possible to identify and address the causes of humanitarian crises?  
  • What are the key challenges to resolving these crises and what might be the drivers for change? 
  • To what extent can global actors cooperate to manage conflicts? 



Assessment Tasks

(school-assessed coursework)

Analyse the causes and consequences of a global issue and evaluate the effectiveness of global actors’ responses in resolving the issue. 

Each of the following assessment tasks must be completed over Units 3 and 4: 

  • a political inquiry 
  • analysis and evaluation of sources 
  • extended responses 
  • short-answer questions  
  • an essay. 

Analyse the causes and consequences of one contemporary crisis and discuss how global actors’ responses have contributed to political stability and/or change.