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VCE Art and Design

Product Design and Technologies Unit 2: Positive impacts for end users


There are no prerequisites for this unit.

Course Description

Opportunities for positive impacts for end users

Designers should look outward, both locally and globally, to research the diverse needs of end users. They should explore how inclusive product design solutions can support belonging, access, usability and equity. In this unit, students specifically examine social and/or physical influences on design. They formulate a profile of an end user(s), research and explore the specific needs or opportunities of the end user(s) and make an inclusive product that has a positive impact on belonging, access, usability and/or equity.

Students also explore cultural influences on design. They develop an awareness of how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples design and produce products, how sustainable design practices care for Country, and how traditions and culture are acknowledged in contemporary designs. Students also have opportunities to make connections to personal or other cultural heritages.



Areas of Study

Area of study 1 - Opportunities for positive impacts for end users

In this area of study, student engage with a variety of human and/or non-human end user scenarios and research current products that cater for the specific needs of end users. They explore opportunities to work collaboratively with end users to create positive impacts and minimise harm by supporting increased belonging, access, usability and/or equity through inclusive product design.

In this unit, students research designs across a range of design specialisations, and critique products to make judgments about their success (or failure) using the factors that influence product design. Products selected for research should address inclusion through belonging, access, usability and/or equity considerations. Students also analyse and evaluate future market opportunities or needs for products.

Area of Study 2 - Designing for positive impacts for end users

In this area of study, students respond to a need or opportunity to develop a profile of an end user(s), and they design and make an inclusive product that improves belonging, access, usability and/or equity for the end user(s). Students explore needs and/or opportunities of end users, which may involve adjustments and/or variations for specific needs or opportunities, to create positive impacts and minimise harm by supporting inclusion through increased belonging, access, usability and/or equity.

Specifically, students use design thinking strategies - creative, critical and speculative - to examine ways to make a positive impact and minimise harm when generating and designing graphical and physical product concepts, including prototypes, and a final proof of concept that addresses the need or opportunity of the end user.

Area of Study 3 - Cultural influences on design

In this area of study, students look at how culture influences products, and how a designer should engage with culture as they develop a profile of an end user(s) when designing products to address their needs and/or opportunities. Specifically, students look through a cultural lens to extend their thinking about the needs and opportunities of end users, going beyond physical requirements.

Students investigate a diverse range of end users, designers and other people, and explore varied perspectives to develop insights into how culture influences and affects product design. Students specifically focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and explore how they demonstrate their culture through design in both traditional and contemporary ways. Students are also encouraged to make connections to their own cultural heritage through the understanding of other cultures. Students research locally and globally to develop a worldview of cultural influences in order to gain an understanding about themselves as both designer and consumer within a diverse global community.


Outcome Marks Assessment Tasks

Outcome 1 SAC

On completion of this outcome the student should be able to investigate and critique products using the factors that influence design, to make judgments about the success or failure of the products to support positive impacts for end users.

To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 1.

  • multimodal record of evidence of research, development and conceptualisation of products addressing a need or opportunity related to positive impacts for the end user(s)

Outcome 2 SAC

On completion of this unit the student should be able to design and make an inclusive product that responds to a need or opportunity of an end user(s) that addresses positive impacts in relation to belonging, access, usability and/or equity.

To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 2.

  • practical work: demonstration of graphical and physical product concepts including prototyping and making final proof of concept along with the finished product addressing a need or opportunity related to positive impacts for the end user(s)

Outcome 3 SAC

On completion of this unit the student should be able to research and discuss how designers and end users are influenced by culture.

To achieve this outcome the student will draw on key knowledge and key skills outlined in Area of Study 3.

  • case study analysis or research inquiry of a designer and end user(s) that explores the influence of culture in product design.


Overall Final Assessment

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: