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VCE Science

Psychology Unit 2: How Do Internal & External Factors Influence Behaviour and Mental Processes?


Students are advised to complete Psychology Unit 1 before undertaking Psychology Unit 2.

Course Description

Students evaluate the role social cognition plays in a person’s attitudes, perception of themselves and relationships with others. Students explore a variety of factors and contexts that can influence the behaviour of individuals and groups, recognising that different cultural groups have different experiences and values. Students are encouraged to consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s experiences within Australian society and how these experiences may affect psychological functioning. Students examine the contribution that classical and contemporary research has made to the understandings of human perception and why individuals and groups behave in specific ways. Students investigate how perception of stimuli enables a person to interact with the world around them and how their perception of stimuli can be distorted. Students will complete a practical investigation into internal or external influences on behaviour and may draw on content from Unit 1 and Unit 2. 

Areas of Study

How are People Influenced to Behave in Particular Ways? 

In this area of study students explore the interplay of psychological and social factors that shape the identity and behaviour of individuals and groups. Students consider how factors such as person perception, attributions, attitudes and stereotypes can be used to explain the cause and dynamics of individual and group behaviours. Students also explore how cognitive biases may assist with the avoidance of cognitive dissonance, the important role that heuristics have in problem-solving and decision-making, and the psychological impact of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and stigma on individuals and groups in Australian society, including on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Students evaluate the findings of classical and contemporary research when considering impacts of social groups and culture on individual behaviour, including obedience and conformity as well as the positive and negative influences of different media sources on an individual’s mental wellbeing and group behaviour.  

What Influences a Person’s Perception of the World? 

Human perception of internal and external stimuli is influenced by a variety of biological, psychological and social factors. In this area of study students explore the role of attention in making sense of the world around them and they consider two aspects of human perception – vision and taste – and consider how perception is influence by cultural norms and historical experiences. Students investigate different forms of agnosia to understand issues with sensory processing areas within the brain. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences of sensory connection to Country and/or Place, ancestors, spirituality and songlines may also be considered. 

Student-Directed Practical Investigation 

In this area of study students adapt or design and then conduct a scientific investigation into the internal or external influences on perception and/or behaviour. They generate appropriate qualitative and/or quantitative data, organise and interpret the data, and research a conclusion in response to the research question. The student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation relates to knowledge and skills developed in Area of Study 1 and/or Area of Study 2. 



Assessment Tasks 

(school-assessed coursework) 

On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse how social cognition influences individuals to behave in specific ways and evaluate factors that influence individual and group behaviour. 

For each outcome, one task is selected from the following: 

  • Analysis and evaluation of an experiment or case study 
  • A data analysis of generated primary and/or collated secondary data 
  • Reflective annotations of a logbook of practical activities 
  • Media analysis of one or more contemporary media texts 
  • A literature review  
  • Response to a psychological issue or ethical dilemma 
  • A modelling or simulation activity  
  • Problem-solving involving psychological concepts, skills and/or issues 
  • A report of a scientific investigation, including the generation, analysis and evaluation of primary data.  

On completion of this unit the student should be able to explain the roles of attention and perception, compare gustatory and visual perception and analyse factors that may lead to perceptual distortions. 

On completion of this unit the student should be able to adapt or design and then conduct a scientific investigation related to internal and external influences on perception and/or behaviour and draw an evidence-based conclusion from generated primary data. 

A report of a student-adapted or student-designed scientific investigation using a selected format, such as a scientific poster, an article for a scientific publication, a practical report, an oral presentation, a multimedia presentation or a visual representation 

Overall Final Assessment

End of Semester Examination – 1.5 hours. 

Information can be obtained from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, Victoria, Australia: