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Year 10 Languages

Year 10 Chinese (Second Language)

Year-Long Elective Unit


This subject is available only for students for whom Chinese is a Second Language, those who began learning Chinese in Year 7, or equivalent, depending on the student's background. 

Please note that at Year 10 level, Chinese (Second Language) and Chinese (Second Language Advanced) students may be placed in a combined class (subject to selection and student numbers). The classes are separated at Year 12 level.

Course Description

Students are exposed to many authentic texts with an emphasis on characters. New grammatical concepts are introduced with the aim of enabling students to develop their own Chinese expression at a more sophisticated level.

Essential Questions

  • How does the world work in Chinese speaking countries?
  • How does life in Chinese speaking countries differ from life in Australia?
  • How can we build our awareness of inherent similarities and differences between languages?

Areas of Study


  • Public places and facilities.
  • Appearance, hobbies and leisure activities.
  • School subjects and facilities.
  • Asking for and giving directions.
  • Chores, home life and personalities.

 Grammar and Vocabulary

  • Linguistic elements related to the topics: Grammatical structures, conjunctions, habitual words or expressions, set phrases.


Task Description
Vocabulary and Grammar Regular, formative vocabulary and grammar assessments.
Listening Listening tasks designed to demonstrate comprehension of information, opinions and reasons in a range of texts.
Speaking Participation in short conversations and presentations to share information, opinions and experiences.
Reading Reading tasks designed to demonstrate comprehension of information, opinions and reasons in a range of texts.
Writing Writing tasks of up to 200 words incorporating the use of the linguistic structures listed above and adhering to the conventions of various text types.
Semester Examination Oral and written examinations testing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.