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Learning Areas > Music

Prep Music
Year 1 Music
Year 2 Music
Year 3 Music
Year 4 Music
Year 5 Music
Year 6 Music

About the Learning Area

'Real art is one of the most powerful forces in the rise of mankind, and he who renders it accessible to as many people as possible is a benefactor of humanity.' Zoltan Kodály

In line with Kodály philosophy, music is made accessible for all at both our Junior Schools.

In the lower primary years, students are introduced to Music by exploring space, movement, time and mood. Students discover and explore their first and very personal musical instrument, their voice. They learn elementary music skills through puppetry, literature, songs, games, dance and movement. As they progress, students refine their understanding of music by playing Orff percussion instruments and later participate in an orchestral string program playing violin, viola, cello or double bass. They learn specific string techniques and a progressive repertoire of music to present to the School in a public performance.

In upper primary, music continues to utilise the student’s voice, as well as classroom musical instruments, in the creation, arrangement and performance of music. The student’s understanding of music’s universality is challenged as they learn about and make music in response to musical stimuli.

In Years 4 and 5, students are invited to participate in the Training Band for wind and brass players. Students in Year 5 become the cast of either a fully staged musical production or play. They learn songs, choreography, script and dramatic elements, prior to performing in our theatre with full staging, makeup and costume.


Throughout the Junior School, students are involved in a choral program that allows them to experience singing in a large group. All Year 1 and 2 students participate in the Piccolo Canto choir and all Year 3 and 4 students form year level Bumble Bee choirs. These introductory choirs feed sequentially into elective choirs that operate in the upper primary years.

Bel Canto is our open-entry choir, accessible to all students in Years 4 to 6. Bel Canto performs a wide repertoire of choral music, from world music, Broadway, and contemporary, to classical genres. From our open-entry choir, choristers can audition for our select chamber choir, Vivace, that sings works of greater complexity and performs at formal School events.


Instrumental ensembles rehearse weekly in preparation for major concert events. Wind and percussion players play in smaller ensembles as well as Concert Band. Graduates of the compulsory string program form No Strings Attached, our training orchestra. As students progress they may be invited to join the String Orchestra

Students in our larger ensembles perform regularly outside of the School. Groups such as Los Bandidos Concert Band, Fully Strung Orchestra and Bel Canto participate in the Victorian Schools Music Festival and compete regularly in local eisteddfods for the choral, strings and band sections.

Instrumental Tuition

Students can elect to learn instruments during school hours with professional instrumental tutors and are withdrawn from classes when suitable.

Various instruments are offered.

  • Orchestral Brass (trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba).
  • Orchestral Strings (violin, viola, cello, double bass).
  • Fretted instruments (mandolin, bass guitar and guitar).
  • Orchestral Winds (bassoon, oboe, saxophone, clarinet, flute).
  • Percussion.
  • Piano and harpsichord.