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Learning Areas > Art

Prep Art
Year 1 Art
Year 2 Art
Year 3 Art
Year 4 Art
Year 5 Art
Year 6 Art

About the Learning Area

‘Art bridges the space between the inner self and the exterior world.' Wendy Allen, 1989

Creativity and imagination are fostered through the Art program and provide opportunities for students to develop skills in the core areas of painting, drawing, ceramics, construction, mixed media and technology. The history of Art is embedded in the projects that students complete and gallery visits are used to motivate and inspire.

Just like learning to read and write, students need to be equipped with specific skills before they can paint and draw with confidence. Students are not left to just explore materials but are explicitly taught how to use them so they can make informed choices when expressing themselves visually.

An Artist-in-Residence program in Year 6 gives students the opportunity to work with a variety of professional artists. Students work alongside the visiting artist, to create and complete a project that is left to enhance the Junior School environment.