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Year 7 Mathematics


Common Unit

Unit Description

Year 7 Mathematics allows students to extend their knowledge in many areas of Mathematics and formalise their method of mathematical communication. The course follows the Victorian Curriculum in the content strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Probability and Statistics. There is also a focus on the proficiency strands of Fluency, Understanding, Problem-Solving and Reasoning.

Using a variety of practical and concrete experiences, students continue to develop fluency with whole numbers and integers. The foundations for proportional reasoning are extended to connections between fractions, decimals and percentages. This is followed by an introduction to abstract reasoning with the study of algebra, together with number patterns and relationships. The use of probability to predict events is studied along with statistics.  Through hands-on activities, students explore and investigate geometry and measurement and their relationship to two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Students also extend their use of algebra to the solving of algebraic equations.

Students participate in regular problem-solving activities to allow them to connect ideas in mathematics, investigate problems collaboratively and master key problem-solving strategies. 



  • Topic tests.
  • Collaborative tasks.
  • Semester tests.