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Year 8 Science

Astro Science

Elective Unit

Unit Description

The subject that is not afraid to explore the BIG questions.

  • Just how big is the Sun?
  • Could we ever visit other planets, other stars?
  • How many stars are there in our galaxy and the universe?
  • Could there be life beyond our planet — what might it look like and how would we know?
  • Is a black hole really black — ​is it really a hole?
  • What is the connection between exploding stars and the elements that make up our bodies?

Astro Science is an astronomy-based subject that explores space through the prism of xenobiology — the study of the possibility of alien life. The Astro Science curriculum draws from Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences. It is suited to students who are motivated to extend their knowledge and questioning skills in an area where new discoveries are being made and the boundaries of what we do or do not know are being expanded every day.


  • Research Assignment
  • Data Analysis Tasks
  • Topic Tests