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Year 8 Science


Common Unit

Unit Description

Year 8 Science consolidates and extends the understandings and skills developed in Year 7 with increased emphasis on critical and creative thinking, experimental design and science communication. The course is studied over the year and students cover the material in a sequence determined by their class group timetable.

During the program, students investigate the cellular basis of life and the structural organisation that gives rise to the emergent properties of living organisms including their capacity for growth and reproduction. They explore the special properties of elements and compounds, the nature of chemical reactions, and the transfer and transformation of energy in living and non-living systems. The study of chemical compounds, chemical reactions and energy also provides the platform for an introduction to the origin of Earth as a habitat for living things, and the processes leading to the formation of substances comprising the Earth’s crust.


  • Topic tests
  • Research Assignments
  • Practical Report Portfolio
  • Scientific Poster