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Year 8 Integrated & Immersive Learning

Human Rights Convention

Common Unit

Unit Description

The Human Rights Convention program aims to develop the student’s knowledge about human rights and the skills to bring about positive change in their lives and in their community. The program is designed to provide students with an understanding of fundamental human rights, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to raise their awareness of a variety of current and historical human rights issues.  Students will explore human rights issues from a local, national and international perspective.  

Throughout the week, students reflect on their experiences, use their imagination to explore possibilities, collaborate with each other to develop a deeper understanding of the issues and show courage when developing new ideas.  

Learning from the PAST, acting NOW to make a difference in the FUTURE, students will undertake the following modules: 

  • Understanding Human Rights - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • Child and Youth Rights

  • Australian Indigenous Rights

  • Lessons from the Past- Holocaust

  • Celebrating Diversity

  • Rights of Refugees

  • Understanding Homelessness

  • Future Action Plan 

An important aspect of the Human Rights program is to support the development of the student’s social and emotional learning. The skills that are needed to empathise and care for others. They will develop this by:  

  • investigating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention of The Rights of a Child

  • experiencing a Human Rights Simulation Activity 

  • participating in an Australian Indigenous Cultural Education session

  • listening and learning from survivors of the Holocaust 

  • celebrating the diversity within the Carey Community 

  • participating in an excursion to the Islamic Museum of Australia to learn about the cultural heritage of Muslims in Australia

  • hearing a firsthand story from a Refugee Speaker 

  • participating in a ‘Big Issue’ incursion

  • acting to make a difference for a particular social justice issue

The basic idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who we are or where we are born, is entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms. This program aims to empower students to contribute positively to protect everyone’s human rights.