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Year 9 Physical Education

Fitness in Focus

Elective Unit

Unit Description

Students with a passion for, or aptitude in, fitness and discovering new ways to be active may choose to select this Elective Unit. The unit is one semester long and focusses on the development of the skills to successfully design and partake in an effective training program, as well as broadening student understanding of what it means to be ‘active’. This elective combines practical and theoretical components, helping students develop a comprehensive understanding of scientific concepts and their real world applications.

This course aims to:

  • provide an opportunity for students to partake in practical sessions
  • increase personal fitness and skill competencies in a range of training methods
  • broaden student understanding and confidence by participating in a wide variety of fitness activities
  • develop the skills to achieve lifelong fitness and physical health
  • explore training principles and methods incorporated in the practical component of training programs
  • explore the components of an effective training session
  • develop effective exercise technique and posture
  • measure improvements in fitness and consider the scientific reasons as to why ‘gains’ have occurred
  • nurture and extend personal competitive skills and self confidence

A selection of fitness and recreation activities from the list below will be undertaken each term:

  • Rock climbing
  • Triathlon
  • F45 Training
  • Flexibility Training
  • Plyometrics
  • Aerobic training
  • Resistance Training (Power, Strength, Endurance)
  • Interval Training including High Intensity Interval Training
  • Circuit Training


  • Develop and participate in a personal fitness plan/training program

Profile Measures

  • Skill Level: individual performance and understanding the strategies required for achieving successful outcomes
  • Social Responsibility: valuing safety, respect for others and leadership qualities
  • Participation: application, attitude, co-operation and initiative
  • Reflection: identifying areas for improvement and setting future learning goals