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Year 9 Physical Education

Physical Education

Common Unit

Unit Description

All students in Year 9 participate in Physical Education classes which are conducted at the Carey Sports Complex at Bulleen, Carey Kew Sports Complex and various offsite locations.

Facilities at Carey Bulleen include:

  • Geoffrey Stevens Swimming Pool Complex
  • Gerard Cramer Physical Education Centre (a double indoor gym)
  • Four all-purpose ovals
  • Two soccer/hockey fields

Carey Kew Sports Complex and the Kew campus offer the following facilities:

  • Six tennis courts (Carey Kew Sports Complex)
  • Two bowling greens (Carey Kew Sports Complex)
  • Macafee Courts (undercover)
  • Gym and weights room
  • Sandell Oval

Movement is central to Physical Education for acquiring the skills, concepts and strategic awareness required for physical activity participation and enhanced performance. Physical Education concepts are informed by the related individual and team skill development, sociocultural factors and behavioural aspects. Students develop movement competence and confidence in a range of physical activities in a variety of contexts and environments.

In Year 9 the practical learning experiences support students to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate personal physical activity to enhance their wellbeing. Students learn to be creative in the way that they adapt and improvise their movements to respond to different situations. This learning provides students with knowledge, understanding and skills to devise, apply and appraise a range of strategies to improve their own movement performance and those of others.

The course acquaints students with varied activities during the year in an attempt to establish and foster an increase in skill and fitness levels, whilst enhancing self-confidence and motivation. Personal responsibility is developed throughout the units, as are co-operation and the belief that physical activity should be a lifelong commitment. The development of important social skills and sportsmanship are encouraged.

Students participate in the following units:

  • Target Games
  • Footy Codes
  • Striking Sports
  • Move your Body - Dance and Athletic Performance
  • Learn to Coach
  • Invasion Water Sports
  • Sport Education in Physical Education Program (SEPEP)


The assessment of each unit is based on the following criteria:

  • Teamwork: Value working in a team and contribute by leading others and displaying initiative. Provide respectful and constructive feedback and express your thoughts in a variety of ways.
  • Decision-making: Reflect on your own learning and experiment and explore ways to be effective in game play. Consider feedback and how it can be implemented for improved performance.
  • Skill execution: Individual performance and understanding of the strategies required for achieving successful outcomes within specific themes including striking, throwing, kicking, catching, positioning, defending, use of space.
  • Participation: Independently seeking new challenges and roles in a practical setting. Engage with all components of the units and the challenges it presented.