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Year 9 Humanities


Common Unit

Unit Description

Biomes and Food Security

​The unit begins with a focus on the distribution and unique characteristics of biomes as distinct regions of the world. A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. Examples of biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands and tundra. The way humans interact with biomes is explored — how we alter biomes to produce food and industrial materials and the environmental impact of these alterations. This then leads into food security and exploring the capacity of these biomes to produce enough food to sustain the current and projected global population.  

Geographies of Interconnections

This area of study looks at how the world is based on a series of connections between a wide variety of physical and conceptual phenomena. Students explore how humans connect with particular places and the way transport, information and communication technologies are used to connect people to services, resources and people in other places around the globe. The field trip and accompanying report allows students to explore how interconnections operate in the newly-gentrified and multi-cultural suburb of Footscray and how the geographical concepts of Change is also clearly evident.


• Biomes: Test.
• Food Security: Research Assignment.
• Fieldwork Report: Interconnections within Melbourne.